
Get Fit In 10 Minutes – Time Tested Fitness Tips

We all want to get fit, right? We want to go for a run, do some crunches, lift some weights and be lean, healthy, and full of energy.

But it’s hard to find the time to exercise. And when you do find that elusive hour, it’s often difficult to motivate yourself.

I’m here to tell you that if you start your morning with 10 minutes of exercise – just 10 minutes – you will feel so much better during the rest of the day. In fact, I guarantee it!

Here are some tips for getting fit in 10 minutes:

1) Make a tape of quick exercises. In one study, researchers found that people who made tapes of their favorite songs were more likely to use them than people who had the same songs on CD or tape.

Make a tape of your favorite quick exercises like pushups and crunches, then listen to it while you’re driving or cleaning up the house. If you feel inspired enough, do a few sets while your tape is playing. 

2) Set your alarm clock for 10 minutes earlier than usual. You can either use this early time to work out or just to meditate or think about how lucky you are not to be sleeping anymore. 

3)You need to change your lifestyle. And the first thing you need to do is get up from your chair and start doing some exercise. But the question is how?

I’m not a fitness professional, but I can share with you my workout routine that can help you get fit in 10 minutes. It’s super easy to follow and very effective as well.

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