Getting the Most out of the Internet Channel with your Nintendo Wii
One of the great features of the Nintendo Wii is that it features a variety of different channels you can use. They are very similar to how you turn on various TV channels with your remote control. The Wii comes with the Wiimote that you will use the same way. You can use it to access a variety of channels on your Wii.
The internet channel is one that many people will get plenty of use out of. You can surf the internet for Nintendo related stories and products. You can also look at anything you desire. Some people have the misconception that they will only be linked to the sites that have Nintendo associated with them. However, that is simply not the case at all.
With the first release of the Wii, many consumers weren’t really happy with how all this worked though. Sure, they liked being able to access the internet from their Wii but it was harder than doing so from their home computer. The screen on the TV was used to type in what you wanted to search for.
One feature that they really did like was the parental controls. This way children were only able to access certain sites and to connect with approved individuals to play games against on the internet. This makes sense as parents should always be monitoring what their children are accessing on the internet.
One of the accessories that Nintendo now offers that makes it much easier to use is the USB keyboard. You can plug it right into the console and type on it just like you would with your computer. This can be purchased for about $40 so it is quite a good investment. There is no limit to what you can do with this set up either. It even allows you to copy and paste links so that you don’t have to type them in. With so many characters mistakes can easily happen if you are doing it that way.
Do you need to send someone an email? Do you need to research something online? There is no difference between this and using your home computer. How many times have you needed to use it and someone else in the family is already sitting in front of it? Having such a set up can definitely take that problem out of the equation. Families seem to depend on the internet more and more these days.
They use it for both fun and for pleasure. Nintendo has certainly gone out of their way to put technology to use with this feature. It is certainly something you won’t find with the other home gaming consoles out there. You can be sure this is one feature that they will continue to update as necessary as well.
If you have an older version of the Internet Channel for your Wii you can purchase the upgraded version online for a very low price. You can access it using the Wii Shopping Channel. This is definitely one feature that you will get plenty of use out of all the time. You can’t find a quality computer for $250 but you can have the full Nintendo Wii gaming functions as well as the internet. That seems like quite a good investment for me!
You’ll start out learning about all of the backward compatibility of your new system so you know what you can (and can’t) do with your system.